Ocean Towing Forecast Product List and Fee Schedule
All Ocean Towing Forecast Services begin with a Departure Package, which includes a preliminary forecast a few days prior to departure, and a final departure forecast either the day before or the day of departure. These forecasts are comprehensive in nature, and include a description of the current weather factors and how they are expected to evolve during the passage, an analysis of how the weather factors will affect the tow, and how any potential changes in departure time or route could improve the passage, a specific forecast of winds and sea states along the route in an easy to read tabular format, and recommendations for time of departure and routing. Because some tows are very sensitive to different types of sea state, seas can be broken out into wind waves and primary and secondary swell with information on both wave heights and wave periods if needed. If departure is delayed due to weather, additional forecasts will be provided as needed at no additional charge until departure occurs. Fee for the Departure Package is $195.
Once underway, En Route Forecasts are available in the same comprehensive format as in the departure package, or in a more concise format, which provides less description of weather features, and focuses more on expected wind and sea conditions in the short to medium term along the route as well as addressing any needed changes to the voyage plan. A significant discount is available when en route forecasts are taken for each day of the passage, and we strongly suggest a service with more frequent contact which allows the captain and crew to stay on top of any weather changes during the passage and is best for safety reasons. For all en route forecasts, a position and condtion report needs to be received from the vessel by 10AM Eastern (US) Time on each day an update is expected. Note that if sea state needs to be broken out into wind waves and primary and secondary swell, the comprehensive en route forecast format is required. Fee for Comprehensive En Route Forecasts is $90 each, discounted to $70 each when taken daily. Fee for Concise En Route email Updates is $50 each, discounted to $35 each when taken daily.
Links to Sample Forecasts (will open in new window)