—Locus Weather—

Providing the meteorological analysis required to make good decisions

Broadcast Meteorology Means Many Different Things in the 21st Century

The explosion of devices that are now used daily by a large portion of the population has meant that weather information can be broadcast not only through traditional radio and television weathercasts, but also through podcasts, videoconferencing, and on personal and corporate websites. Locus Weather can provide services through all of these media.

Weathercasting for Radio Stations enhances the station’s image in the community by having a meteorologist presenting truly local forecasts tailored to the listening area. Weathercasts of any length can be provided and can include discussion of weather factors, short and long range forecasts, and can be tailored for specific dayparts. Pre-recorded and live weathercasts are available. Locus Weather’s meteorologists have over 40 years experience providing weathercasting services to radio stations throughout North America.

Weather Forecasting Services for Television Stations can be provided in order to help your television weather presenters look and sound more professional. Locus Weather meteorologists have experience from several television markets around the country, and will provide essential forecast information, assist with graphics, and provide tips for on-air presentation.

Website Weather Information can be added to your site at little or no cost from many sources, but these services are narrow in scope and have little flexibility. Locus Weather can work with your webmaster to design a custom weather presentation for your website which will provide exactly the information you need to attract visitors and sponsors.

Podcasts have become very popular in recent years. Locus Weather can provide custom audio weather presentations to add to your podcast. The content of these presentations can be local, regional, or national in scope to meet the needs of your audience.

Videoconferencing apps like Zoom and Skype have come into very common use in recent years. Locus Weather can provide presentations through these media customized for the audience.

Contact Us to Obtain a Proposal that will Meet Your Broadcast Meteorology Needs